Caleb Whitehead

Caleb Whitehead


I came to Mines for a number of reasons, but the primary motivator for me has always been the academic challenge. Being in an environment that constantly forces me to become a better person is important, and the rigor of Mines, as well as the fantastic people I have met here, provides that environment. While the coursework reinforces technical excellence and encourages dedication, often pointing us  towards a well-rounded professional career, it is in the interactions with other people where excitement begins. I love being immersed in a culture where critical thinking merges with the ideals of bettering society for so many people. 

I became an electrical engineering major in pursuit of this academic challenge, but also because the field fascinates me. I believe that there is great potential to effect exciting technological change and to greatly improve people’s lives. I am in this field because I enjoy what I study, but I will feel truly accomplished if I can be a part of, in some way, a development that provides people with a significant betterment of life. Studying topics such as microcomputer architecture and digital logic are exciting to me simply because they represent our ability to, as a society, develop complex systems that accomplish significant tasks. I hope to someday take part in developing the next generation of these systems.