Erica West

Erica West

While I never imagined myself studying applied mathematics at a small engineering university nestled in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, I can’t say I am disappointed with where my life has taken me. My time at Mines has been a whirlwind, from running Blaster down the football field with Blue Key, preparing food for those in need with Alpha Phi Omega, tutoring eighth grade students in pre-algebra with the Society of Women Engineers, and many, many long nights glued to a screen in the computer lab. I am extremely grateful for the Harvey Scholarship for giving me the opportunity to study at Mines and join this community of motivated, passionate students, and allowing me to continue to both discover and pursue my passions. I have changed so much since I started at Mines. This experience has allowed me to explore the world through new perspectives, while learning how to use my time, energy, and skills to positively impact those around me. I am amazed at the incredible opportunities this program has opened up for me, from investigating the intricacies of cultural big data at Aarhus University in Denmark, restoring an old trail in Khumbu Valley of Nepal, researching the notion of memory in random sequences at the University of Connecticut, and currently, studying abroad in Singapore. I am so thankful for these diverse experiences and the impact they’ve had on me, and I look forward to my future at Mines and beyond and whatever it may hold.