Anastasia Sjahputera
Hello! I’m a sophomore from Mead, CO majoring in Chemical Engineering with a Biological focus. I became aware of Mines my junior year when my high school counselor strongly recommended that I visit the school due to my decided interest in engineering. After having visited the campus, I came to admire the work ethic and strong, uplifting community of Mines students. In addition to the academic excellence and rigor, I fell in love with the small, quaint city of Golden. The Harvey Scholarship has allowed me to attend Mines and pursue my goals of improving the lives of others through engineering. I am currently Media Chair of SASE (Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers), an active member of Sigma Kappa, and a University Innovation Fellow candidate. My ability to partake in extracurricular activities while balancing my classroom activities is due to the support I receive from the Harvey family as well as my fellow scholars. They truly facilitate an environment where I can grow and learn!