Jordan Partin

Jordan Partin


I came to Mines with the intention of becoming a petroleum engineer, but after a year and a half here, I’ve been able to explore where my passion lies and reevaluate where my heart is. This school has opened my eyes to different parts of the world and various skill sets that I have. Without this school and my competitive peers pushing me in every aspect of my life, I never would’ve realized my desire to go into ministerial work. After coming to Mines and being exposed to so many new individuals, I’ve realized that I want to work directly with people the rest of my life. I’ll be pursuing an environmental engineering degree while attending Mines, but with that degree, I hope to work in a ministerial position for a nonprofit or go onto future seminary schooling. Mines has been an enormous blessing by challenging me academically while exposing me to global concerns through trips to Brazil and Nepal. I wouldn’t have been forced to grow in this incredible way with these lifetime experiences at any other school. While engineering isn’t my main focus anymore, Mines has been an extraordinary school and I’m excited to continue my education and personal growth here.