Yan Ostanin

Yan Ostanin

The first time I heard about the School of Mines, I was in 8th grade. Back then, I knew that I wanted to do something in the STEM field, but I didn’t know for sure. It wasn’t until I visited Mines campus a few years later that I could say with confidence that I wanted to pursue engineering. As a high school student, I got involved in First Tech Challenge robotics, which further strengthened my desire to go into engineering. I got a small peek at what engineering is, learned some technical skills, and built lifelong friendships. Being part of the robotics team helped me understand that engineering is all about collaboration. I believe that at Mines I will meet like minded people and learn the skills that will help me shape my future and reach my goals. I am honored to be part of the amazing Harvey Scholarship program and I look forward to collaborating with my fellow scholars to make the world a better place.