Kimmy Mazza

Kimmy Mazza


I am studying chemical engineering with a minor in renewable energy. I really want to work on the renewable energy mission once I graduate from Mines because I think it is extremely important in today’s world. I have lived in Colorado my entire life and I have grown to love and have a deep appreciation for all of the beautiful nature this state has to offer. The earth and the environment are very important to me. I would like to play a part in maintaining it by helping to find a clean and renewable source of energy. 

I also hope to do a lot of traveling once I graduate. The Harvey Scholarship has made two of my biggest traveling dreams come true. I had the opportunity to do some humanitarian work in Nepal and it was absolutely amazing! Hiking through the Himalayas was breathtaking and I really got to know the locals and understand the culture. I am currently in Europe as I am writing this. The Harvey’s also made it possible for me to study abroad for a semester and I can’t even begin to describe what an amazing experience it has been. I have traveled to nine different countries while I have been here and I have had the opportunity to experience so many cultures. I would love to do more humanitarian work with my future travels as well and hopefully be able to use my degree while doing this.