Matthew Johnson

Matthew Johnson

I am from Minnetonka, Minnesota and most people there have never heard of the School of Mines; however, my aunt attended this school, so it has always been on my radar. Once I knew I was interested in math, science, and engineering this was one of my top choices. I visited, and then fell in love with the school. I love to ski, hike, and climb so I was hard pressed to find a school of this caliber closer to all the activities I enjoy. Here at Mines, I major in Chemical and Biochemical engineering, with a minor in energy. Outside of school, I am part of Mines Without Borders, our student chapter of Engineers Without Borders. I’m so fortunate and thankful for the Harvey Scholarship, because without it I would not have been able to attend such an incredible school. I am so excited to see how this incredible scholarship, along with a Colorado School of Mines education, will shape my future and provide exciting opportunities for me to pay-it-forward at every step of the way.