Ty Gonzalez

Ty Gonzalez

Hello! My name is Tyrone Gonzalez and I come from Anaheim, California. Ever since I was little, I have always had a passion for building things and trying to understand why and how things work. I would always find myself out in the garage helping my friends and family work on their projects. As a result, I knew sure enough that my future would end up somewhere in the engineering field. I have always loved doing outdoor activities like camping, fishing, and hiking to the highest peaks. Seeing that Colorado offered all that and the above plus snow, I just knew that an opportunity here was waiting for me. When I came across Mines and was given an opportunity to come visit, I fell completely in love. The scenery here in Golden is astonishing and the community here is nothing but loving. I am eternally grateful for the generosity of the Harvey family and how they have enabled me to change the lives of my family and those around me.