Lexi Denhard

Lexi Denhard

Growing up as a military brat, I did not know if I would ever get the chance to return to Colorado. As an out-of-state student, the Harvey Scholarship gave me the opportunity to, and I could not be more grateful. Coming into Mines, I was excited to be a helluva engineer, even though I am an Applied Mathematics and Statistics major. After my first year at Mines, I have obtained more knowledge from this organization than I can list. Not only does the scholarship promote a strong emphasis on academic achievement, but it deeply develops character and service. I have gotten to pay in forward in college through being part of such a diverse, supportive group of people. I know that I can and will succeed at Mines because of the opportunity the Harvey’s have given me. I am so thankful to be a part of this community, as I look forward to developing the skills necessary for my future career.