Will Daniels

Will Daniels

Hello! I come to Mines from Seattle, Washington. While I do miss the water, I have enjoyed my time here
immensely. The mountains are an amazing playground for all sorts of activities, and the people at Mines
are fun and interesting. I did my undergraduate studies in physics, and I am now working towards a
master’s in statistics. My academic path has changed many times over the years, but the flexibility
provided by the Harvey program is helping me converge on what I am truly passionate about and how I
want to make a difference in the world. My master’s work involves large spatial data related to the
environment (carbon monoxide, methane, VOCs, etc). I hope that this field will help me pay it forward by
studying pressing issues like forest fires and methane emissions. My time at Mines has been quite
foundational. I am constantly learning new and exciting things about math and science, but over the years
I have also taken up cycling and skiing, met some of my closest friends, and traveled to Iceland,
Scandinavia, and Eastern Europe.