Gillian Culberson

Gillian Culberson

Hello! I grew up in Magnolia, Texas. I am honored to be attending Colorado School of Mines and joining the Harvey Scholarship Program. I love the feel of the tight-knit community Mines and the Harvey group has extended to me; it feels like home.  I am excited to live in a colder weather environment and take in the beautiful scenery of Colorado. My intended major is Biochemical and Biomedical Engineering. My interests include making decorative cards, playing video games, like Mario, decorative fingernail art, going on nature walks, and volunteering.  I was a part of an organization called the National Charity League, where mothers and daughters volunteered in philanthropic activities. Some events included the Linus Project, Texas Wildlife, Mercy House, and many more. My favorite philanthropy was the Friendship Center, where the seniors of the community gathered to play games, talk with each other, and enjoy a nice meal provided by Meals on Wheels. It was exciting to hear about their stories and their experiences. Wednesdays were bingo days; the seniors really love their bingo. These experiences and interests have molded me into the person I am today.  In the future, I hope I will be able to travel to Japan to experience the interesting culture and beautiful scenery.