Madison Berry
The name Mines first appeared to me on a ‘top ten engineering schools’ list. Intrigued, I looked into the school and quickly realized Mines was made for me. I grew up in the Netherlands and during that time I travelled extensively and got heavily involved with volunteer work in Nepal. These were pursuits I definitely wanted to carry over into my life in university and into my career. The Harvey pay it forward focus, the encouragement and help offered for international experiences, the humanitarian engineering minor, the general academic excellence, and the number of incredible clubs were more than enough to convince me to go to Mines. And now that I’m at Mines, I feel I have found my place in the world. Thanks to the Harvey, I was able to spend the summer in Tanzania doing more engineering volunteer work, and this year, I am able to study abroad in Singapore. Mines and the Harvey allow me to take action, get out into the world, and be an engineering student that makes a difference.